Shaaf's blog

A technical blog about Java, Kubernetes and things that matter

Calling wsadmin scripts from ant

You can simply add the following to a target. For the following wsadmin should be in your PATH env. < exec dir="." executable="wsadmin.bat" logError="true" failonerror="true" output="wsconfig.out" > < arg line="-lang jython -f ../../"/ > < /exec > All output will be logged to wsconfig.out

wasprofile -create -delete

Sometimes you require to do things silently, without any questions asked and “Just Do It” attitude is required. I often find my self with this problem. If you want to delete or create a Websphere profile from your command line try the following. (I have tried on RSA only) # deleteing a profile wasprofile -delete -profileName MyProfile You should get the following message on deletion INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: The profile no longer exists.

SVN - some quick commands during merge

Following are some of the frequently used svn commands during merging and branching. I used to work with tortoise for this but as soon as I learned these, it feels like a more easier space to be in. Although no points taken away from tortoise, it still works pretty good for the gui part, This article is more targeted towards dark screen lovers. Create a new branch from trunk: If you want to create a branch from a specific revision of Trunk following command is handy.

HowTo create a JDBC provider with wsadmin scripting - Jython

Last week I wrote a post about creating MQQueues with jacl. However today I am moving to Jython. This is the new scripting languauge supported by the wsadmin. The following write-up helps you create a JDBC provider using Jython in 6 easy stepsĀ on the wsadmin console. *Pre requirements: *Following should be known to start using this tutorial. How to launch the wsadmin with Jython enabled. *Where will I find the wsadmin?

Creating an SVN wrap for your build using Ant

Today after along break I would jump right on to one of the interesting topics in my den these days. One of my friends was lately troubled with doing some SVN stuff like merging etc. And a lot of people will agree with me on their first experiences. :) I think. While Automated builds take a lot of our time I thought I could plug in with some automated merging and a few other tasks.