Shaaf's blog

A technical blog about Java, Kubernetes and things that matter

Creating the MQQueueConnectionFactory with wsadmin scripting - JACL Part 1.

While working my way in some piece of long java code I came across this huge pile of sand that just shattered me off every bit of patience I was left with. The dilemma all of us face every second day. CONFIGURATIONS!! While my sarcastic mind was just saying Congratulations to me instead. And just how the - would you expect me to start configuring now. So what exactly is my problem?

Quick start Singleton - Walk through

This being my first existence on the network and I just want to make sure that I would come back to this blog page again sometime and keep on writing. For now this is a quick 5 min walk through of getting your hands dirty on the Singleton Pattern. As any ones first pattern Singleton always seems to be the easiest to adapt and ironically always the mistress of your pains; when you realize the act wasn’t right in the first place.