Shaaf's blog

A technical blog about Java, Kubernetes and things that matter

Migrating JavaEE apps using Generative AI and Konveyor AI

Static code analysis + Gen-AI

Konveyor AI is a tool used to migrate Java applications to different Java frameworks, such as from JavaEE to Quarkus or Spring or from Spring 5 to 6, using Generative AI and static code analysis. I wrote a detailed post about this last year for the Java Advent Calendar. Most recently, we have all been hard at work, bringing a preview for our community of users. In this post, I will outline how you can install and configure Konveyor AI using OpenAI and make meaningful generations.

Embracing the Future of Application Modernization with KAI

Konveyor’s main strength lies in its comprehensive approach to migration and modernization. At the core of Konveyor’s functionality is its powerful analysis engine. This engine performs static source code analysis, identifying anti-patterns and issues that might hinder the application’s operation on a target platform. Utilizing community standards like the Language Server Protocol, Konveyor’s analysis engine uses rules designed to aid in various migration scenarios. Users can also create custom rules to address specific migration needs, enhancing Konveyor’s flexibility and adaptability.