Shaaf's blog

A technical blog about Java, Kubernetes and things that matter

Automation with Selenium,Junit, Ant

Much of the technologies above do not or will not need an introduction if you already know them or can read them from the links above. More over today’s article is more about how we can use all the three selenium, ant and junit to come up with an automated solution for regressive testing. Please refer to the documentation links above for the basic knowledge on any of the used tools.

Calling wsadmin scripts from ant

You can simply add the following to a target. For the following wsadmin should be in your PATH env. < exec dir="." executable="wsadmin.bat" logError="true" failonerror="true" output="wsconfig.out" > < arg line="-lang jython -f ../../"/ > < /exec > All output will be logged to wsconfig.out

Creating an SVN wrap for your build using Ant

Today after along break I would jump right on to one of the interesting topics in my den these days. One of my friends was lately troubled with doing some SVN stuff like merging etc. And a lot of people will agree with me on their first experiences. :) I think. While Automated builds take a lot of our time I thought I could plug in with some automated merging and a few other tasks.