Building a Resilient Cart Service with Quarkus and Infinispan Cache: A Step-by-Step Guide

Posted by Shaaf's blog on Monday, July 22, 2024

The article is a comprehensive guide on creating, deploying, and managing the coolstore cart service using Quarkus and Infinispan. The guide details building the cart-service with Quarkus, packaging it, and deploying it to OpenShift. It covers single-site deployment with Infinispan cache configuration and extends to cross-site clustering for data replication and fault tolerance across multiple data centers. The article also addresses schema management and implementing fault tolerance with Smallrye Fault Tolerance for fallback mechanisms acorss multiple site deployments.

What is Infinispan

Infinispan is an open-source in-memory database that can hold nearly any type of data, from plain-text to structured objects. Retrieve your data with lightning-fast speeds with Infinispan’s powerful full-text and vector search capabilities. Guarantee reliability and integrity by distributing your data across elastically scalable Infinispan clusters that offer high availability, fault tolerance, and the ability to replicate between multiple geographic sites. Connect to Infinispan using either a native, high-performance protocol or a Redis or Memcached client of your choice.

Infinispan is a great tool for setting up distributed caching, using Quarkus we can enhance that experience. This article is a thorough walkthrough for developing a cart service using Quarkus and Infinispan. If you are a developer looking to quickly create a Kubernetes friendly multicore caching system that spans across clusters and sites, read on.. The article is a long overdue follow up from a talk demo I did for the Devnation Day (playlist).

Cart service

Cart is a simple service that at this point creates a cart and saves either 0 or more products in the cart.


A simple GET call like this http://localhost:8084/api/cart/v2/1fa842e1-077a-4c09-85c5-a12288c2be7e Where the CartID is inserted will create and initialize a new cart. The coolstore-fe uses the uuidv4 to generate uuid per browser instance. Everytime a new coolstore-fe instance is created, it will generate a uuid and make a call to the cart-service to initialize the cart with 0 items.

Class Diagram

Class Diagram

The architecture and relationships of the classes within the shopping cart service as follows:

  1. Cart:

    • Attributes: cartId, cartItemList, cartItemPromoSavings, cartItemTotal, shippingTotal, shippingPromoSavings, cartTotal.
    • Contains multiple CartItem objects.
  2. CartItem:

    • Attributes: price, quantity, promoSavings, product.
    • Associated with a Product.
  3. CartService:

    • Interface implemented by CartServiceImpl.
    • Methods: getShoppingCart, priceShoppingCart.
  4. CartServiceImpl:

    • Implements CartService.
    • Interacts with ShippingService, PromotionService, and a RemoteCache of Cart objects.
    • Handles business logic for cart operations.
  5. CartResourceV1 and CartResourceV2:

    • REST API endpoints for cart service.
    • Dependency on CartService.
  6. Product:

    • Attributes: itemId, name, desc, price.
  7. Promotion:

    • Attributes: itemId, percentOff.
  8. Order:

    • Attributes: billing details, includes a CreditCard.

The CartServiceImpl manages interactions between cart items, promotions, and shipping calculations.

Deploying on a single site

The following instructions assume that the infinispan operator is pre-installed. Incase you want to use the cart only on one instance. To use the cache only on site nyc without backup Create the following CR in the namepsace

kind: Infinispan 
  name: nyc 
  namespace: nyc
  replicas: 2
    type: Route

Create a cache in the DG/Infinispan server Create Cache

Press Next and load the following configuration for the cache.

    "distributed-cache": {
        "mode": "SYNC",
        "owners": 2,
        "statistics": true,
        "encoding": {
            "media-type": "application/x-protostream"
        "locking": {
            "isolation": "REPEATABLE_READ"

The defines the following attributes to connect to a DG/Infinispan cluster

Ensure you have the correct host and password configured in the cart-service. the section also describes how to get those details. Once set you can now deploy an instance of your cart-service into OpenShift by issuing the following Command

mvn clean compile package -Dquarkus.kubernetes.deploy=true

Once deployed call the cart-service via curl as follows.

curl -X GET http://CART-SERIVCE-ROUTE/api/cart/v2/1fa842e1-077a-4c09-85c5-a12288c2be77

Infinispan Cross-site cluster deployment

Cross-site clustering in Infinispan is a feature that enables data replication and synchronization across multiple geographically distributed clusters or data centers. The primary goal of cross-site clustering is to ensure data availability and fault tolerance in the event of failures or disasters affecting a single cluster or data center. By replicating data across multiple sites, Infinispan provides redundancy and enables high availability of data even when one or more sites become unavailable. Here’s a high-level overview of how cross-site clustering works in Infinispan:

  • Data Centers and Clusters: Infinispan allows you to set up multiple data centers, each consisting of one or more clusters. A cluster represents a group of nodes (servers) that work together to store and process data.
  • Site and Backup Site: In cross-site clustering, each data center is typically associated with a site, and within each site, there can be one or more clusters. Additionally, one of the sites is designated as the backup site.
  • Data Replication: Infinispan replicates data across clusters within the same site and also across clusters in different sites. This replication is typically asynchronous, meaning that updates made at one site are eventually propagated to other sites.
  • Replication Modes: Infinispan supports different replication modes for cross-site clustering, including synchronous and asynchronous modes. In synchronous mode, updates are replicated immediately to other sites before confirming the success of the operation. In asynchronous mode, updates are sent to other sites in the background without waiting for confirmation.
  • Consistency Models: Infinispan also provides various consistency models to control the level of data consistency across sites. For example, strong consistency ensures that updates are seen in the same order at all sites, while eventual consistency allows for some level of inconsistency for improved performance.
  • Failure Detection and Recovery: Infinispan monitors the health and availability of nodes, clusters, and sites. If a site or cluster becomes unavailable, Infinispan automatically redirects read and write operations to the backup site or other available clusters to ensure data access and continued operations.

By leveraging cross-site clustering in Infinispan, one can achieve improved data availability, disaster recovery, and fault tolerance. It allows them to distribute their data across multiple locations, ensuring that even if one site or cluster goes down, the data remains accessible and consistent from other sites.

This section is a guide to deploying the Cart in a cross site cluster.

  • NYC
  • LON

Deploying the CRs

Infinispan Operator in one data center can discover a Infinispan cluster that another Infinispan Operator manages in another data center. This discovery allows Infinispan to automatically form cross-site views and create global clusters.

The following illustration provides an example in which Infinispan Operator manages a Infinispan cluster at a data center in New York City, NYC. At another data center in London, LON, a Infinispan Operator also manages a Infinispan cluster.

Cross site Topology

Infinispan Operator uses the Kubernetes API to establish a secure connection between the OpenShift Container Platform clusters in NYC and LON. Infinispan Operator then creates a cross-site replication service so that Infinispan clusters can back up data across locations.

Each Infinispan cluster has one site master node that coordinates all backup requests. Infinispan Operator identifies the site master node so that all traffic through the cross-site replication service goes to the site master.

Assuming the Infinispan or Infinispan operator is already installed on the cluster or in both the namespaces. Run the following CRs

  • Namespace: nyc

kind: Infinispan
  name: nyc
  replicas: 2
    type: Route
      org.jgroups.protocols.TCP: error
      org.jgroups.protocols.relay.RELAY2: error
      storage: 1Gi
          type: ClusterIP
        name: NYC
        - clusterName: lon
          name: LON
          namespace: lon
          secretName: lon-token
          url: 'infinispan+xsite://lon-site.user1-cache2.svc:7900'
    type: DataGrid
  • Namespace: lon

kind: Infinispan
  name: lon
  replicas: 2
    type: Route
      org.jgroups.protocols.TCP: error
      org.jgroups.protocols.relay.RELAY2: error
      storage: 1Gi
          type: ClusterIP
        name: LON
        - clusterName: nyc
          name: NYC
          namespace: nyc
          secretName: lon-token
          url: 'infinispan+xsite://'
    type: DataGrid

To create a cache that will span across NYC and LON.

Create the following cache in NYC cluster by logging into the DG/Infinispan console. For details on your deployed cluster section

Create Cache

Press Next and load the following configuration for the cache.

  "carts": {
    "replicated-cache": {
      "mode": "SYNC",
      "remote-timeout": "17500",
      "statistics": true,
      "backups": {
        "LON": {
          "backup": {
            "strategy": "ASYNC",
            "take-offline": {
              "min-wait": "120000"
      "encoding": {
        "media-type": "application/x-protostream"
      "locking": {
        "concurrency-level": "1000",
        "acquire-timeout": "15000",
        "striping": false
      "state-transfer": {
        "timeout": "60000"

And the following also to be created in the similar fashion in the LON DG/Infinispan console.

"carts": {
    "distributed-cache": {
      "mode": "SYNC",
      "backups": {
        "NYC": {
          "backup": {
            "strategy": "SYNC",
            "take-offline": {
              "min-wait": "120000"
      "encoding": {
        "media-type": "application/x-protostream"

When a back cluster is defined, the Quarkus app does not upload the schema into the backup site. Schemas are global and can be used by multiple caches. However, if the schema does not exist in the backup site, the DG/Infinispan wouldn’t really identify it and we wont see it.

Create a new Schema in the LON backup site. using the following config. Proto schema

// File name: CartContextInitializer.proto
// Generated from : org.coolstore.cart.cache.CartContextInitializer

syntax = "proto2";
package coolstore;

message Product {
    optional string itemId = 1;
    optional string name = 2;
    optional string desc = 3;
    optional double price = 4 [default = 0.0];

message Cart {
    optional string cartId = 1;
    repeated CartItem cartItemList = 2;
    optional double cartItemTotal = 3 [default = 0.0];
    optional double shippingTotal = 4 [default = 0.0];
    optional double cartTotal = 5 [default = 0.0];
    optional double cartItemPromoSavings = 6 [default = 0.0];
    optional double shippingPromoSavings = 7 [default = 0.0];

message CartItem {
    optional Product product = 1;
    optional double price = 2 [default = 0.0];
    optional int32 quantity = 3 [default = 0];
    optional double promoSavings = 4 [default = 0.0];

message Promotion {
    optional string itemId = 1;
    optional double percentOff = 2 [default = 0.0];

Once all of the above is done; now deploy an instance of the cart-service into OpenShift by issuing the following Command

mvn clean compile package -Dquarkus.kubernetes.deploy=true

Once deployed call the cart-service via curl as follows.

curl -X GET http://CART-SERIVCE-ROUTE/api/cart/v2/1fa842e1-077a-4c09-85c5-a12288c2be77

At this point everything that will be written to the cache in NYC will also be replicated directly to LON.

The distributed nature of microservices presents a challenge in terms of reliable communication with external systems, placing greater emphasis on the resilience of applications. To facilitate the development of more resilient applications, Quarkus offers Smallrye Fault tolerance, which implements the MicroProfile Fault Tolerance specification. In a scenario where our primary site does not respond we can use this extension to fallback to the backup site.

In the CartServiceImpl

  • Inject two clients site-nyc, site-lon
  • add a maybefail method that is randomly(boolean) simulating a failure by randomly throwing a RuntimeException.
  • The fallbackCache(String cartId) needs to be added to call the code when the service fallback
  • The getShoppingCart(String cartId) also needs to be changed to add the annotation to fallback and calling our random maybefail method.

    // primary
    RemoteCache<String, Cart> carts;

    RemoteCache<String, Cart> cartsBkp;

    private void maybeFail(String failureLogMessage) {

        if (new Random().nextBoolean()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Resource failure.");

    public Cart fallbackCache(String cartId) {"Falling back to the backup cache...");
        // safe bet, return something that everybody likes

        if (!cartsBkp.containsKey(cartId)) {
            Cart cart = new Cart(cartId);
            cartsBkp.put(cartId, cart);
            return cart;

        Cart cart = cartsBkp.get(cartId);
        cartsBkp.put(cartId, cart);
        return cart;

    @Fallback(fallbackMethod = "fallbackCache")
    public Cart getShoppingCart(String cartId) {
        maybeFail("trying to failover.....");
        if (!carts.containsKey(cartId)) {
            Cart cart = new Cart(cartId);
            carts.put(cartId, cart);
            return cart;

        Cart cart = carts.get(cartId);
        carts.put(cartId, cart);
        return cart;

Perfect now that the service is ready to fallback between NYC and LON. It also needs to be deployed. The defines the following attributes to connect to a DG/Infinispan cluster

Once all of the above is done; now deploy an instance of the cart-service into OpenShift by issuing the following Command

mvn clean compile package -Dquarkus.kubernetes.deploy=true

Once deployed call the cart-service via curl as follows.

curl -X GET http://CART-SERIVCE-ROUTE/api/cart/v2/1fa842e1-077a-4c09-85c5-a12288c2be77

Hit the curl command multiple times. and check the logs on cart-service. the maybefail method logs the fallback in action.


Run the following command to get the status of the cluster

$ kubectl get infinispan -o yaml

The response indicates that datagrid nodes have received clustered views, as in the following example:

    - message: 'View: nyc-0-25302,nyc-1-19194'
      status: "True"
      type: WellFormed

You can also wait for the condition check:

$ kubectl wait --for condition=wellFormed --timeout=240s infinispan/nyc

Let’s retrieve cluster view from logs as follows:

kubectl logs nyc-0 | grep ISPN000094
10:37:12,856 INFO  (main) [org.infinispan.CLUSTER] ISPN000094: Received new cluster view for channel nyc: [nyc-1-19194|5] (2) [nyc-1-19194, nyc-0-25302]

To get the route and access the DG console:

$ oc get routes
nyc-external               nyc                 11222      passthrough   None

To get the secret

$ kubectl get secret nyc-generated-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.identities\.yaml}" | base64 --decode
- username: developer
  password: ....
  - admin

And that’s all folks!