Shaaf's blog

A technical blog about Java, Kubernetes and things that matter

Install log; fedora 23, Virtualbox and windows 10

I have been using Linux for quite some time now, and jumping from windows xp to windows 10 was a huge change for me. Not just that I had completely forgotten what windows was all about, configs, screens, services. Anyways, I made a quick compilation of how you could run Fedora 23 and on VirtualBox running on windows 10. Software versions Windows: 10 VirtualBox: 5.0.16.x Fedora: 23 Sidetrack tip: Even though the installer was in English , it changed my language to Danish.

Howto setup ssh with selinux and firewalld

While running fedora, if you want to change the port for your ssh, just changing the firewall rules will not make a difference. If you are running selinux its important that you change the policy to allow a different port as well. I did learn it the hard way though, hopefully the following guide should be helpful. Lets start by an introduction to semanage. From man Description semanage is used to configure certain elements of SELinux policy without requiring modification to or recompilation from policy sources.

FedUp and Fedora 18

Just now I made the update from Fedora 17 to 18. I didnt know that fedora 18 has a new update util called fedUp. If you are interested you could read here: Just do the following yum --enablerepo=updates-testing install fedup And then fedup --network 18 It should ask for a reboot after some downloads, and that should just do the trick. atleast it did for me.

Get on Jekyll with Jekyll bootstrap

Jekyll-Bootstrap makes it easy to get started with Jekyll, if you are looking for a static site generator then you are at the right place

number of lines of code in a directory

I just wanted to find the number of lines of java code in a directory i.e. recursively.. find . -type f -name '*java' -print0 | wc -l --files0-from=- Output: . . 56 ./ 550 total