Shaaf's blog

A technical blog about Java, Kubernetes and things that matter

WildFly 32 Delivers Preview of Jakarta EE 11 and Final Version of WildFly Glow

JobRunr Introduces Version 7.0 with Built-in Support for Virtual Threads

WildFly 31 Delivers Support for Jakarta EE 10 and the New WildFly Glow Provisioning Tools

Loco is a New Framework for Rust Inspired by Rails

Java monitoring: Exploring Cryostat 2.4 features on OpenShift

Orignally posted at Red Hat Developers Red Hat’s latest build of Cryostat 2.4, designed specifically for the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, brings a wealth of features and enhancements that cater to various monitoring needs for Java applications. At its core, Cryostat 2.4 excels in comprehensive Java Flight Recorder (JFR) data management. Users can effortlessly start, stop, retrieve, archive, import, and export JFR data, all through an intuitive web console or an accessible HTTP API.