Shaaf's blog

A technical blog about Java, Kubernetes and things that matter

Calling wsadmin scripts from ant

You can simply add the following to a target. For the following wsadmin should be in your PATH env. < exec dir="." executable="wsadmin.bat" logError="true" failonerror="true" output="wsconfig.out" > < arg line="-lang jython -f ../../"/ > < /exec > All output will be logged to wsconfig.out


On my way to my solution store just found this nice to use, old and easy feature. Possibilities endless, usage typically very easy. I used the following to generate XML from sqlplus: select dbms_xmlgen.getxml('select * from user') from dual; Output: < ROWSET > < ROW > < TNAME >Employee< / TNAME > < TABTYPE > TABLE < / TABTYPE > < / ROW > < / ROWSET >

Command, Singleton, JMenuItem, JButton, AbstractButton - One Listener for the app

Here I would like to demonstrate a simple use of JMenuItems being used with Single Listener for the entire system. A simple sample of use would probably be SingleInstance Desktop Application. Lets see how that is done here. First lets create a OneListener class that should be able to listen to ActionEvents and also be able to add Commands to itself. Please refer to my previous post on Command,Singleton if you would like to see more about this patterns and there usage.

Doing the Locale - Danmark

The following illustrates how to get the Number format working with a danish locale. import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Currency; import java.util.Locale; public class TestLocale { public static void main(String args[]){ // Create a Locale for Danmark Locale DANMARK = new Locale("da","DK"); // get the currency instance for this locale. Currency krone = Currency.getInstance(DANMARK); // Get a Number format for the locale. NumberFormat krFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(DANMARK); // A symbol for the currency String symbol = krFormat.

How to read a file from the JAR?

Someone just asked me this question today. And I thought might as well put it down for info. public TestReadFileFromJar() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { InputStream is = getClass().getResource("txtData/"); read(is); } In the case above txtData is placed in the jar on the root. Remmember to add the path with the “/”